Fees and other charges in Pak. Rupees

Sr. No Particulars All Categories (Except X, S) Partial-Subsidized (X, S)
Non-Recurring fee (Payable at the time of admission)
1 Admission Charges 7,000 70,000
2 Re-admission Charges 4,000 4,000
3 Students Bus Card Charges 500 500
4 Students ID Card Charges 2,000 2,000
5 Document Verification Fee 3,000 3,000
6 Library Security (Refundable) 2,000 2,000
Recurring fee per Semester
7 Registration Charges 2,000 2,000
8 Tution Charges 38,000 130,000
9 Sports Charges 2,000 2,000
10 Magazine Charges 1,000 1,000
11 Medical Charges 3,000 3,000
12 Laboratory Charges 3,000 3,000
13 Examination Charges 3,000 3,000
14 Book Bank Rent 500 500
15 Instructional Tour Charges 5,000 5,000
16 Recreation Charges 3,000 3,000
17 Smart & Safe Campus Charges 3,000 3,000
18 Stationary Charges 500 500
19 Digital Library Charges 500 500
20 Survey Camp Charges (for Civil Engg. only) 10,000 10,000
21 Bus Fare for Non-Resident 16,000 16,000
22 Bus Fare for Resident 4,000 4,000
94,000 249,000


Fee for 1st Semester at the time of admission Non-Resident
1 All Categories (Except X, S) 94,000
2 Partial-Subsidized (Only X, S) 249,000


Fee for subsequent semesters Non-Resident
1 All Categories (Except X, S) 80,000
2 Partial-Subsidized (Only X, S) 172,000


Grand Total for 4 years Non-Resident
1 All Categories (Except X, S) 654,000
2 Partial-Subsidized (Only X, S) 1,453,000


Additional for Hostel Resident All Categories
1 Hostel Security (Refundable) 8,000
2 Mess Security (Refundable) 8,000
3 Service & Contingencies 3,000
4 Room Rent 5,000
5 Masjid Fund 500
6 Electricity Charges 10,000
7 Sui Gas Charges 1,500


1 Only in case of Re-admission.
2 These additional charges will be paid with the fee of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Semester by the Civil Engineering students only.
3 These charges are dependant on the prevailing rates of fuel, electricity and gas fixed by the government. At the start of every semester these charges will be decided by the VC on the recommandations Treasurer and PD.


  1. In case of admission withdrawl Admission charges will not be refunded.
  2. In case candidate of S or X category is promoted to some other subsidized category during admission cycle than the admission charges will be adjusted for next subsequent semesters.
  3. Fees of first semester can be paid in two installments on request. In such cases; Rs. 50,000 will be paid by the subsidized categories and Rs. 1,50,000 will be paid by the partial-subsidized categories at the time of registration. Remaining amount will be due to pay by the end of 8th week of first semester by all such students.